Apartments and Condominiums
Having a pest control vendor for your apartment or condominium is an effective way to have monitoring pest levels, coverage for discovered pest problems, and prevention of quick spreading outbreaks such as cockroaches and bedbugs.
At MD Weaver we specialize in providing services based on the level of pest activity you are experiencing in your complex. We offer anywhere from routine all – unit inspection and treatment services to minimal monitoring services in common areas with on-call pest units covered.
We each complex is unique to pest activity, so we tailor each agreement based on our inspections and assessments of your property. We work with you to determine what coverage you need, and what coverage you don’t need. It is never our goal to sell you a service you don’t need, we want to provide you with a valued service that you can trust for years to come.
The following is a description of various tools employed in Restaurant PM. The most important keys are as follows:
Initial Treatment: A maintenance program begins with an initial treatment. The purpose of this work is to address any existing pest populations and to set up items such as traps, bait stations, and log book. If there were an existing pest population, it would be reduced immediately and eliminated in 2 to 3 weeks after the start of work, pending the cooperation of the client. The amount for the service depends on the duration of visits and on the infestation, structure of the facility, etc.
Maintenance Program: For prevention of future infestation by both insects and rodents, the I.P.M. program would include both chemical and non-chemical methods. The client would be updated regularly as to what conditions warrant their attention to prevent pest occurrences. Inspections would be made in accordance with the National Pest Management Association.
Service Monitoring
Monitoring is made up of both a visual inspection and the use of glue insect monitors. Because of a German cockroaches’ limited travel, a commercial kitchen can be divided up into zones that can be tracked for roach activity. The visual inspection includes the use of a high intensity flashlight, and mirrors for looking around objects. Boxes and other items are moved around during the inspection to uncover potential hide-aways. At the conclusion of an inspection, the information is logged in a site notebook, and preferably shared immediately with the management.
A progressive pest control program includes thorough documentation. To record placement of bait and zone monitors, a schematic is kept with treatment and inspection sheets, in a Log Book. With the latest OSHA requirements, material safety data sheets and labels are maintained in the logbook as well. Pest control reports appease the health department in addition to giving important information to the client. Sanitation reports, provided confidentially to the client, point out things that can be addressed before a surprise board of health inspection.
Pest Exclusion
The German cockroach needs food, water, shelter, and climate. These are all part of the pest’s ecology, and the lack of any one of these will greatly affect the roach Sealing off harborage areas is one the most important parts of cockroach prevention. Sealing cracks and crevices offers a permanent solution to a pest hiding problem.
Loosely constructed kitchen and bars provide a friendlier environment to German cockroaches than facilities that are kept in good repair and sealed up. A restaurateur with a clutter and sanitation problem in an aging kitchen may find roaches a continual issue, even with an up-scale pest program. It pays to keep the environment non friendly to roaches. The professional pest specialist will work with the client on this issue. Caulking and sealing work can be provided with the pest service, and the client can be advised specifically on other improvements that need to be made.
Physical Control
An egg capsule carried by the mother German roach can contain up to 48 offspring. In general glue boards are considered important for monitoring, but also important as a control tool. Trapping is also important because a gravid (egg carrying) German cockroach does not eat for 8 days before laying the capsule, and would not eat baits.
This is known as physical control for obvious reasons. Another physical control is the actual vacuuming up of cockroaches during the initial treatment of an infested restaurant. The pests are taken care of without the use of pesticides and can not run anywhere before dying. The trapping of mice is a very important issue to mention, and has a vital role in physical control. Both multiple catch metal traps and glue traps are available. The use of fly electrocution devices is another form of physical control.
Chemical Control
The judicious use of chemical pesticides plays an important part in pest management. When an active roach nest is located at any time, it can be treated with cockroach baits, supplemented with boric acid dust applications, and continually monitored with Insect Revealers®. It is important that baits are applied where roaches can feed without being seen. By nature this 6-legged pest seeks out cracks and crevices to spend most of its time. Therefore, cracks and crevices should be reduced by environmental controls, and the remainder used for baiting stations. Hollow voids such as wall interiors can be dusted with boric acid. It is relatively non-repellent and lasts a long time. Tracking powders (a restricted use product) and baits play important roles in mouse and rat control. They must be used with care for maximum safety although they are very effective. Excluding rodents out of a facility and using multiple types of mousetraps should always be considered before using rodent toxins.